Integrated Policy for Quality, Environment,
Safety and Occupational Health Management
Concepción, December 6, 2016
We are Green Engineering and Consulting, a company located in the city of Santiago and Concepción, with operations throughout Chile, dedicated to comprehensive engineering services, consulting, project management, company representation, risk analysis and mitigation of environmental impacts, among others.
Its services are mainly focused on the industrial sector and areas such as energy (crude oil refining, liquefied and natural gas, and fuels), petrochemical and chemical, pulp and paper, mining, food, and effluent treatment, among others. Green I&C adheres to the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards for quality management, environment, safety and occupational health in force, assuming the following commitments:
Meet the requirements of its customers and other internal and external stakeholders.
Comply with the legislation, regulations and other commitments applicable to its operations and services.
Prevent damage and deterioration to the health of its staff and collaborators.
Protect the environment and prevent environmental contamination in all its processes and services.
Continuously improve its management and performance in the areas of quality, environment, safety and occupational health.
Have work methodologies that allow obtaining reliable data and information that contribute to the best performance of its clients.
Monitor and measure your processes and services to deliver effective and efficient solutions to your customers.
Determine the necessary knowledge and develop the professional skills of its personnel to comply with this Policy, the objectives and the management processes of the organization.
This Policy, which is the reference framework for establishing the objectives of the Integrated Management System, is periodically reviewed, communicated and made known to all the people who work and collaborate with Green I&C. It is also available to relevant external and internal stakeholders.
Gareth W. Green
General Manager
Gareth W. Green
Gerente General